2020 - What a year!

I think everyone can agree that 2020 has been a rollercoaster of a year. It's certainly one we'll never forget. I've seen so many families suffer through the lockdowns, I especially feel for those that have been left with no help and none of their normal support services and of course those that have lost loved ones. As the year is ending though I don't want to dwell on the negatives but look back on the good things that have happened - yep there have been some! 

I'm now approaching one year of writing my blog. There have been plenty of times I've wondered if I should be doing this, or even if anyone was interested in reading it but, I've found it such a therapy to get my thoughts out and share some of the things we've been doing along the way and I'm so grateful to each person that is reading. 

January also marks one year that I started my instagram account @zmeandasd where I've found so many friendly faces that are going through all stages in discovering the neurodiverse world. I also had my eyes opened by the autistic community which have helped me so much in understanding what my son may be experiencing.

We celebrated Z turning 4 years old. Got a final EHCP for Z and found him the perfect school to meet his needs and support his development. A year on from Z's diagnosis we're now embracing that our lives are different, we're not a typically 'normal' family and that's just fine with us, of course it comes with some difficult decisions and some testing times for us all but it's ours to make the most of. We made the decision to even add to the chaos and have a baby which is just making us all the more excited and nervous about 2021 and how Z will react to having a brother or sister about the place. 

Even though we had months of lockdown where we had no support for Z we can't believe the progress that he's made. His speech is coming along, he full on calls me 'mummy' or 'mum' now, he is starting to request more and using simple sentences (there's still plenty made up words but he's becoming easier to understand) and best of all he tells us he loves us. It fills me with pride to know he is happy just spending the day with Daddy Z and myself. There wasn't an awful lot to do during lockdown but we made the most of it all and seeing his development coming along each day made things so much better for us. 

We even managed to get a small holiday visiting Wales after lockdown. It was great to be by the sea and watch Z play happily on the sand, paddling and rock climbing with his grandad. 

Who knows what 2021 has in for us yet but there will be some silver linings to look for and, although I think it'll be a while yet until things are close to normal, it's good to remember that good things still happen in bad times.

Sarah x


  1. He's done brilliant this year. So proud. X

    1. Thank you! He's done fantastic, or as he says 'Fantascit' X


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